Harvey Mandel

UPDATE: August 17

Harvey is still very weak

His eyes are constantly blurry, and of course his nose, or lack thereof, continually give him trouble. So much so, that while walking downstairs yesterday evening, he fell (crashed) off the last step. Harvey knew he was hurt bad and headed to the ER. After x-rays and exam, the doctor told Harvey he had broken bones in his foot, and damn it, his pinky on his left, guitar fret-board hand. The doctor came in to deliver the bad news – and told Harvey he needed to have his finger reset. Harvey asked if it was going to hurt, and the doctor said yes, it WAS going to hurt. Harvey screamed after the first attempt. He screamed even louder after the second time. And on the third, he screamed so loud everybody in the whole hospital heard him cry out. This guy just can’t get a break!

Harvey’s GoFundMe page is up and, thankfully, donations have been coming in. We’re at just a little over half way to our $35,000 goal. Family and friends are uniting to raise money to help Harvey with his battle. We’ve asking family and friends to spread the word and the link to Harvey’s GoFundMe page. If you’ve donated, a huge thank you goes out to you! If you haven’t, please consider giving whatever you can. It will mean the future for Harvey. Here’s the link:


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