UPDATE 3/15/2024

Bad news. Good news.

Harvey was admitted to the hospital last week in critical condition with a swollen brain and massive infection. Doctors say this is the worst yet and not sure what to expect. I was not able to talk with Harvey, but Timm did, and they agreed that it was time to release the first of Harvey’s “I’m Back” comeback album songs.

We all agreed it should be “Cashmere.” Harvey completed the final mix before his latest infection knocked him down, and we are working on the final master now. We are hoping Harvey will improve enough to hear and approve the master so we can submit it for release – maybe in about a week. I will try to send out a sample so y’all can hear what Harvey has created – it is stellar!

But that presents a problem, one we continued to face: money. Harvey still owes money on his medical debt, we knock it down with your help, but it continues to climb with each health crisis. And he has nothing to fund this release, or to promote it.

Maybe you can help with a contribution. Or, what is more important, prayers for his recovery from this latest infection and return home. Please click on over to his Go Fund Me, it’ll mean the world to Harvey: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-harvey-mandel-kick-cancer

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