UPDATE 3/22/2024 Harvey is Still in the Fight

What can you say, Harvey is a tough dude. He’s still in the ICU. Admitted with another massive infection and swollen brain. Doctors say the worst yet. But he’s fighting to stay alive. None of the docs know which way it’ll go. But he’s still fighting.

Harvey Needs Help

As most of you know, Timm Martin and I are helping Harvey Mandel raise funds to help pay Harvey’s huge medical debt. We set up a GoFundMe for Harvey and there have been many generous donors. He has beat cancer three times, they removed half his face, he falls victim to infection, and his medical debt is overwhelming.

Harvey is releasing Cashmere – Play the Sample

Not knowing Harvey’s fate, we decided to quickly release “Cashmere.” It is first single from of Harvey’s “I’m Back” comeback project. We finished the master. Harvey saw a sexy woman in cashmere guarded by a mean-ass dog. The full track comes out mid-April on Out The Box Records.

But there’s still a problem. Money.

Harvey still owes money on his medical debt. We knock it down with your generous help. But it continues to climb with each health crisis. He’s not working and has no income. And he has nothing to fund this release, or to promote it. Maybe you can help with a contribution. Or, what is more important, prayers for his recovery and return home. Thank you for keeping Harvey in your heart!

Please click on over to his Go Fund Me. It will mean the world to Harvey: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-harvey-mandel-kick-cancer

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