As we have written in our last updates, it is official, Harvey is working on a new album. Not just an EP. But a full 8-track record!

Since our last update, Harvey has had a few infections, been back to the hospital, and had numerous eye doctor visits, trying to get a handle on blurry vision from not having tear ducts, removed when cutting out the cancer that has ravaged his sinus, nose, and face. The MRIs have shown the cancer is still at bay, thank God! His foot has healed from the fall. His left pinky finger has healed well enough that Harvey has been able to practice and play every day. And play hard.

But the great news is about what I typed: “And play hard.” Harvey says he can play as good as ever. Or better than ever. While its slow, because of his vision, (the amp and board controls), he really is playing up to his Harvey best, he’s just killing it! He feels he could almost play a gig.

We believe the first track, “I’m Back,” is complete, and quite up to Harvey’s best. I’m going to get a sample posted so you can hear in the next week – be on the ready. And he’s finished with one other, “World Blues News,” a signature Harvey blues tune I’m sure you’re gonna love. He’s in the middle of a song he’ll call “Puppy Love” after his dearly-departed dog “Buck.” We didn’t get Timm on the rhythm tracks laid down in the fall, but Harvey and I asked again last night and we all agreed that we’ll record new rhythm tracks with Timm on bass sometime in February.



Your support of Harvey has made a difference since he has no other source of income! He has been able to pay down some of his monstrous medical debt. And he is getting better. Every time I talk with him his voice is clearer and stronger. I’m sure its because he’s playing and writing again. And worrying a little less. Please help us continue to knock down his medical debt and help with his record project. Thank you!

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