Help Harvey Mandel Kick Cancer

Harvey Update, March 16, 2023


Harvey is doing better health wise these last few weeks, but not financially. He needs to pay for his latest surgery, and with your help we can knock off some of his eye doc bills.

Harvey has now had cataract surgery on both of his eyes, and he is able to see a whole lot better. Unfortunately, though, he came down with another life threatening infection just after his cataract surgery on his left eye, and spent another week in his “second home,” the hospital.

He’s back home and actually starting to play guitar. Harvey told me that he can move his pinky finger enough to start back practicing, and that has made a world of difference in his mood. He is still very weak and way stressed about money – he hasn’t been able to work or earn anything. Harvey still faces a mountain of debt, and he needs to find a way to pay for his next round of surgeries that will likely run on through the rest of the year. Can you help and contribute to his GoFundMe page? If you can it will make a huge difference…

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