Harvey Mandel's Facebook page was kidnaped

Harvey Mandel’s Fan Page kidnapped?

Harvey received a chilling email 9/24 stating that his Facebook Fan page was being suspended, this time, for alleged child nudity and sexual exploitation. That’s right, “this time,” as he was unduly suspended on 9/12 and faced his page being “unpublished because it violates Pages terms.” We replied that it was a mistake. It was.

Two days later, Harvey got an email stating it was their error: “We have completed our review of your Page Harvey Mandel. This review process has included all aspects of your Page’s activity including the Ads you have created, as well as the associated advertising assets, among other information. This review determined that access to advertising features was incorrectly disabled. We’ve reinstated your access to advertising.”

But, on September 21, Harvey got another suspension notice, this time they claimed “Action needed on your Facebook account, Harvey, you have 30 days to take action. Your Facebook account has been suspended. This is because your account, or activity on it, doesn’t follow our Community Standards. If you think we suspended your account by mistake, you have 30 days to disagree with our decision. If you miss this deadline your account will be permanently disabled.” Remember the 30-day part…

Here’s what arrived in the morning (9/23) via email: “We’ve determined that you are ineligible to use Facebook… Unfortunately, for safety and security reasons, we can’t provide additional information as to why your account was disabled. We appreciate your understanding, as this decision is final. Thanks.” That isn’t 30 days, it was 2!

Well, on October 4th I was invited to regain access, but Harvey’s account is gone, I can’t add him back to his own page, and they won’t let him register for a new Facebook account.

He just can’t get a break.

All we’re trying to do is ask friends, family, and fans to visit his GoFundMe page , read up on what Harvey is facing, and consider giving Harvey some much needed money. And, please, please share the link:


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